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why do foot reflexology massage?

Writer's picture: Sarah CamilleriSarah Camilleri

According to Chinese healers, the human body begins to age with the feet. This statement has a basis: we spend much of our time on our feet. Very often, the legs, we pay less attention than it should.

Just imagine: there are over 70,000 nerve endings on a person's feet! The foot is the place of the greatest accumulation of biologically active points, which are responsible for the health of all organs and body systems. Figuratively speaking, it is like a projection of the organs on the foot. This fact may seem incredible. But agree: often after a light foot massage, we really start to feel better and more cheerful! Everything in the body is interconnected.

Foot reflexology massage is based on the traditional methods of ancient oriental medicine, according to which the reflex effect on the nerve endings on the surface of the foot makes it possible to remotely influence various functions and systems of the body in order to heal them. Its benefits are as follows:

1.Reflex effects bring deep relaxation, reducing stress, responsible for many psychosomatic problems. Foot massage relaxes more than massage any other area of the body, with the possible exception of the head.

2.Giving elasticity tointernal tissues, foot massage improves venous blood circulation and, therefore, facilitates the outflow of lymph and the removal of waste. This leads to the relief of fatigue.

3. Reflex massagequickly removes the most painful symptoms, regardless of their cause. Impact on the nerve endings of the feet provides this effect. Foot massage promotes the release of endorphins and enkephalins, which block the transmission of pain.

4.Point massagestimulates the processes of self-healing of internal organsand, thus, improves the basic functions of the body: breathing, digestion, hormonal regulation, etc.

5.Best sleep.One of the incredible advantages of reflexology is the ability to overcome disturbed sleep and insomnia.

6. Lower blood pressure.High blood pressure or hypertension is a serious disease that increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and renal failure.

Changes in life, like eating the right foods can lower blood pressure significantly. The same effect can give and regular foot massage.

7. Relief of headaches and migraines.If you suffer from frequent headaches, foot massage just perfectly helps.

Danish scientists studied the reaction of 220 patients after six months of reflexology.

After just three months, 81% of patients claimed that foot massage either significantly helped or completely eliminated headache problems and 19% of those who had previously taken medications could stop using them!

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