Chakras are vortices of energy through which the life force flows through us. These correspond to different aspects of our being and influence the physical, mental and spiritual aspects. Each of the seven Chakras influences a certain area of the body and life; However, so that we can feel good and comfortable in the environment, the fundamental thing is that everyone is in perfect balance.
When that happens, there is a sense of general well-being: we feel in tune with the universe, open up to receive the universal energy of love. However, if one or more Chakras are blocked, all others start to malfunction, and we lose our inner balance. Therefore, taking care of our Chakras and keeping them balanced is extremely important for life. Below we present a resume of each of them and an exercise to activate and balance them.
Root Chakra: Muladhara
Key Words: existence, safety, survival
Color: red
Location: base of the spine, pubic bone
Mantra: LAM
Strong, Balanced Energy
Grounded, generally feeling safe and secure, easily staying present in the moment, not needing distractions.
Weak, Blocked Energy
Feeling unsafe or unsupported, worried about money and providing for self or family, can’t stay present, always needing distractions.
Sacral Chakra: Svadhisthana
Key Words: Creativity, sexuality, passion, inner child
Color: Orange
Location: below the belly button
Mantra: VAM
Strong, Balanced Energy
A healthy sense of sexuality, feeling desired and confident, willing to connect with someone, enjoys to express themselves creatively and feel free while creating.
Weak, Blocked Energy
Feeling unattractive, not creative, undervalues your creations, can’t “give life” to your ideas.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura
Key Words: Power, willpower,self-esteem
Color: Yellow
Location: Above the belly button
Mantra: RAM
Strong, Balanced Energy
Natural leadership skills, ability tostand up for themselves, walkstall, takes direction without powerbeing “threatened.”
Weak, Blocked Energy
Allows others to make decisions for them, always doing whatever other people want them to do, continually give in to the same temptations, addictions.
Heart Chakra: Anahata
Key Words: Love, self-love, love of life
Color: Green
Location: Center of chest
Mantra: IAM
Strong, Balanced Energy
Open-hearted, leaving hurts in thepast, coming to each newrelationship with an open heart,love for all of creation.
Weak, Blocked Energy
Doesn’t feel like they deserve tobe in a healthy relationship, putwalls up, believes they can’t trustpeople, believes people willalways hurt them.
Troath Chrakra: Visuddha
Key Words: Speaking, communication, truth
Color: Light blue
Location: Center of throat
Mantra: HAM
Strong, Balanced Energy
Gently and respectfully speaks their truth, gently and respectfully allow others to speak their truths, lives and expresses their truth, including to themselves.
Weak, Blocked Energy
Won’t speak up for themselves, doesn’t want to say anything to offend anyone, feels like no one wants to hear what they have to say.
Third Eye Chakra: Ajna
Key Words: Intuition, spiritual sight
Color: Indigo blue
Location: Center of the forehead
Mantra: KSHAM
Strong, Balanced Energy
Receive, acknowledge, and honorintuition, clear perception of life, clear vision of situations and concepts.
Weak, Blocked Energy
"Blind" to truths in their life, doesn’t believe in intuition, or blows off their intuition.
Crown Chakra: Sahasrara
Key Words: Spirituality, connection to Universal Energy
Color: Purple
Location: Top of head
Mantra: OM
Strong, Balanced Energy
Relationship with the divine, healthy spirituality, trust in the universe, trust their prayers are heard, their needs are provided becasue of their strong connection to the divine.
Weak, Blocked Energy
The universe is out to get them, no divine connection, no connection to anything bigger than themselves, can’t trust the universe to take care of them.
Simple exercise: Activate and balance your Seven Chakras
Now that we know about our Chakras, you may be interested in keeping them always open and activated. with this simple exercise you can give yourself a moment to balance your energy. It will only take a few minutes and it will make an immediate change in how you feel.
1. Sit quietly so that you are about a meter and away from an empty wall. Create an imaginary bubble around you.
2. Imagine that in the place of each of your chakras there is a light. Each of these lights can have a different color, or they can all be the same color.
3. From top to bottom, turn on all your lights and aim their rays at the wall in front of you, being aware of the strength of each light, noticing the reaches of the wall and not the problems.
4. Imagine that the room is overflowing with incredible light. It can be white, blue, gold or silver.
5. As you begin to see and feel the light, you will notice that it is surrounding your bubble, crossing its limits and beginning to fill it. When your bubble is full of light, it will begin to enter your chakras.
6. Be aware of the chakras that you can enter well and which ones have some kind of difficulty entering. Try to inhale and direct the light deeper and deeper into the chakras where the light has not been able to fully penetrate.
7. When you have inhaled enough light to balance the chakras, rest in the light for a few minutes before dissolving your bubble and returning to your normal state of consciousness.