Many men often overlook the importance of skincare and mental wellness. This guide will give you some tips for feeling and looking your best, and achieving the wellness you deserve.
Taking Time to Relax
Modern life can be hectic and take up all our time. You may spend most of your day working only to feel exhausted during your free time, so it's important to take breaks regularly both for your physical and mental health. Breaks can be as simple as taking a day off to sleep in and enjoy your hobbies, or even treating yourself to a spa day by the pool. Activities like swimming, jacuzzis and saunas are all effective tension relievers. They even have the amazing benefit of easing muscle tension and helping your body recover after working out or sports.
Enjoying an antistress massage during your spa day for men is also an effective way of taking time out for yourself. All massages for men can help stimulate lymphatic drainage and circulation, helping you feel amazingly reinvigorated. In fact, if you’re suffering from particular aches and pains or recovering from a sports injury, our dedicated spa therapists can recommend a particular massage that would be perfect for you.
Take Care of Your Skin
Daily exposure to weather and pollution can really bring your skin down, especially if you regularly shave and are left with dull, irritated skin. Skin discomfort can bring you down, especially if it makes you self conscious! It’s important to keep your skin hydrated and healthy with the correct facial products. For example, moisturising after washing your face and using alcohol-free aftershave after shaving. For a full guide on picking the right facial products, you can read our guide here: A Guide to Men’s Facial Products.
If your skin needs an immediate pick-me-up, specialised facials for men will take your unique needs into consideration to tackle your current problem, whether it’s excess oil, dryness or simply wanting to destress for a while.
Spending Time With Loved Ones
It’s easy to get wrapped up in your daily tasks and priorities, but it’s important to remember that spending time with loved ones is healthy both for your relationships and your own mental health. Sharing activities is proven to relieve stress, depression, anxiety and improve your mood. You can even combine our above tips and enjoy spa days or massages with a loved one or as a group. Couples massages are perfect shared experiences to help you both leave the spa feeling reinvigorated and relaxed, or you may even decide to throw a spa party with friends and family to celebrate and destress together.
Improving Your Diet
You don’t need to try any extreme diets to help yourself feel better. Sometimes the solution is a few slight changes that can have a massive effect on your physical health and how you feel about yourself. Hydration is a very important and simple way to feel better immediately. Simply keeping a bottle of water nearby while you work can remind you to drink water more often, which in turn helps your body and your skin look and feel better. Minor changes like consuming more fermented foods (yoghurts, kimchi and kefir especially) can improve your digestion and gut health, while reducing coffee and alcohol intake can help decrease anxiety and sleeping problems.
It’s important to prioritise your mental and physical health as part of your life, and not to overlook their importance. Taking care of yourself is a great way to feel and look better, and can give you the self-confidence and stability to navigate your life more easily.