Losing your job is a distressing experience that can be hard to get over. If you have lost your job due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s important to realize that you are by no means alone. Millions are in your shoes and will be searching the job market in an attempt to relaunch their careers. This competition is bound to be fierce, yet it may surprise you to know that the best course of action, right now, is to not jump right back into the workforce.
Using the time you now have on your hands to focus on yourself and determine the career you now want to pursue is the best option for someone in your shoes. Immediately after losing your job, it can be difficult to determine what you should do, but rest assured that there are preemptive steps you can take to launch a better career in the future.
Revamp Your Skills
One of the first things you should do after losing your job, regardless of whether or not it was due to the pandemic, is revamping your skillset. Unless you already worked in a tech-intensive field, your skills are likely out of date for the future of work. Technology is a driving force of change that is automating industries all around the world. In the near future, there will be no worker more valuable than those that hold the knowledge of maintaining technology.
To that end, revamping your skillset to be more tech-based is one of the smartest courses of action after losing your job amidst the pandemic. There are a number of easy online degrees that you could pursue in your free time which will give you a new skillset based on technology. Besides the fact that these courses may better prepare you for a new career, they will give you important soft skills for the future of work.
As discussed by Skillcrush, tech skills can make you a better problem solver and a better leader overall. Couple this with a knowledge of technology and it’s clear to see why you may be favored over the competition that immediately chose to try and dive back into a changing workforce.
Attend a Bootcamp
Staying on the topic of revamping your skillset, attending a highly rated bootcamp is a great course of action. As far as being proactive goes, coding bootcamps are the best option to consider when setting up a new and long-lasting career. Coding has been around for years, but the skill has led to entire fields being created around it.
It goes without saying that this is an important skill for anyone to learn. In fact, they are teaching this skill lightly to kids as young as elementary school. In order to compete with these future employees, learning some knowledge of the various coding languages now can set you apart from other workers.
There is nothing wrong with gaining additional education and taking the time to do so now may help you later down the line.
Get a Cover Letter Ready
Regardless of how long you held the job you just lost, getting an up-to-date resume and cover letter ready to go should be a priority for you. As far as your resume goes, add all your relevant skills and work experience. Brush up on how to properly craft a cover letter and focus on describing yourself in an appealing way. Obtaining more education in a tech field via an online degree program may come in handy at this point as you can describe yourself as a capable learner able to adapt to technology.
Besides just revamping your cover letter and resume, consider taking a career quiz to see which job may be the best choice for your unique skill set. Try to match your skills and interests to a field that has a high level of growth in the next ten years and consider picking up a job in that career path.
The recent pandemic has made it clear that no industry is safe from disruption. Additionally, more likely than not, technology will lead to another disruption in the near future. In order to overcome these detrimental disruptions, prepare now by getting yourself ready for the future of work. Use this job loss as an opportunity to grow your career in a different direction that can improve the longevity of that career. Get ahead of all these disruptions, rather than struggle to overcome them, and you may find yourself in a better position than ever before.