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how to achieve radiant skin?

Drink green tea

Green tea has an amazing property: it protects the body from free radicals, as it is rich in antioxidants. This is proven by scientists! In addition, this healing beverage flushes out toxins and salts from the body. So when choosing a hot drink, give preference to green tea. And pay attention to the means where there is its extract in the composition.

do face massage

It will take you about 10 minutes to do the massage (quite a bit!). And the result will be excellent. Notice, in all exercises, the fingers seem to push the lymph along the right channels. Each movement is best performed at least eight times. And examples of exercises you can find on the Internet without any difficulty.

thorough cleaning is the key to success

It's simple: until you perfectly clean the skin from the dead cells that have accumulated during the day, your anti-aging (or just nourishing) cream will remain lying on its surface and will not help you. There is a special technique that allows you to perform this ritual with the highest quality. First, apply the cleanser to the dry skin with massage movements, then take a piece of cloth moistened with hot water. This may be muslin or flannel. And now more powerful pressing movements erase the cleanser from the skin surface. Then again rinse the fabric, wrap the area on the index finger and wipe the places where makeup accumulates. As a final step, soak the cloth in cold water and press it to the face. Done!

put another pillow under your head

If you suffer from swelling, take this note first. If you can get used to sleeping on your back (and this is not for everyone), then an extra pillow will not allow fluid to accumulate in the eye zone at night. And in the morning you will look much better than usual.

do not ignore the peeling

Dry, dull, dead skin cells - these are the main obstacles between your complexion and radiant skin. When cellular metabolism slows down, dead cells do not reflect light in the way young skin does. But we also have some good news: Enzyme Peelings help you regain a healthy glow. That's just better to use it 2-3 times a week.

do not go outside without protection SPF30 and more

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin is not only the appearance of premature signs of aging, but also possible pigmentation. Daily use of cream with SPF is an excellent prevention of its appearance. If you are often on the street, then apply the product also on your hands. Then, in older adults, there is less likelihood that you will suffer from age-related pigmentation.

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